I've been tagged again to do the Liebster Award by my friend, Sarah at {Her Blog}
1. What are doing right now except typing on your laptop?
- I'm eating chocolate that my mom brought from her office while sipping my tea.
2. How to attract more reader to read you blog?
- Basically, the most viewed post(s) in my blog are the ones that have emotional feelings and crazy things that I'd experienced. So, if anything crazy happen in my life, I'll make an effort to write it in this blog :3
3. How to increase your saving during holiday?
- Don't got out?????? If you go out, make sure you're with your mom, so she's the one who have money.
4. What did you take for your breakfast today?
- Normally, I don't eat breakfast even when I woke up early. I always drink a lot of water when I woke up. I normally have brunch.
5. Who is beside you right now?
- Malaikat
6. What did you do for you family today?
- Well, my sister and I went to buy fake flowers and went to buy dinner.
7. Set 3 goals for tomorrow
- Finish a book. Watch a movie. WAKE UP EARLY.
8. What did you have done today?
- I read a book. I watched a movie. I went OUTSIDE.
9. What movie did you watch for today?
- WHITE CHICKS. Damn that movie is so funny I can't even-
10. What did you spent today?
- Nothing. I'm broke, man.
So, that's it!
I hope you guys enjoy reading it.
Thank you Sarah for tagging me.
Have a nice day!