Describe Your Classmates
July 18, 2013
Last Wednesday,
Our English teacher gave us an interesting topic to write about;
'Describe Your Classmates.'
But, I didn't able to finished it because of the time and the guys are so annoying around me and the teacher wanted us to hand in the work even we were not finish.
Because of unsatisfaction in my heart,
I gonna write it in mah blog :3
P.s: Gonna start it from the person who sat next to the door.
- Hafawati is the shortest member in our class. She loves anime especially Fairy Tail. Even her purse and her desk filled with Natsu's face. If you get to know her, she's the craziest girl you will ever meet.
- Alyaa loves SHINee's Minho so much. Her engineering's files has a large size of Minho's photos. When Hafawati talk anime with me, she probably the clueless one.
- Nabihah is our treasurer. She have a pretty face and a cute high pitch tone for her voice. She rarely force us to pay our class's fund. When she does, that was the time I didn't bring any money.
- Atikah is the oddest and most hyperactive girl I've ever met. She likes to borrow books from me and she takes the longest to give it back.
- Arissa is a loudest and the toughest girl as a member in our class. She likes to scream and fighting with guys that look down on her, especially Fakhrul.
- Amira is a football finatic. She's the reason why we won third place at a recently futsal competition. A quite girl and her note books have the most prettiest colors and writings on it.
- Nabilah can talk about hot boys 24/7 with all of us. Her favorite is a model name Ben Ellen. She also enjoys listening to indie bands. When she gets mad, you better run.
Now the boys... *evil laugh*
- Acap is our class monitor. Probably the only guy that intimidating to me and Nabilah. When he smiles, his teeth will showing his braces, which is suitable on him. A cheeky guy with a sprinkle of perverted attitude.
- Ainul. I don't know what happened to him. He was a quite guy last year but this year, he already became an annoying mumbling guy. Like to tease us girls and have a seriously issue that he taught he is Harry Styles.
- Aiman Nordin is our famous Sleeping Beauty. He can sleep anywhere, even if the teacher's around.
- Ammar is our infamous 'troublemaker'. Teachers tend to hate his jokes but we classmates like it. Very a Loya Buruk guy. And a very good engineering student. He only going to do his engineering homework and ignore the other subjects.
- Fareez is the only prefect in our class. His laugh is so funny and likes to call my name and ignore me after that. Always came to class late and like to hit and pushing people. Thank god I'm a girl. I don't get pushed! Victory to me!
- Ariffin. A quite guy that have something that he keeps for himself. Have better chemistry grades than me. I have been waiting for ages for him to finish his three heads dragon drawing. Still, he doesn't even finish it...
- Hadi kinda reminded me of the comedian, Senario's Lan. He's really really really good at math. He even can teach us well too. But when it comes to English and Bm, he doesn't even have the interest to do it. Have the most adorable personality and kinda blur.
- Noor Aiman. He's like the guy in a poem called 'Mr. Nobody.' He's so quite but really good at chemistry. He's the cool guy in our class.
- Shazreen already sold 20 albums to us. Zayn Malik is his idol and his inspiration on hair. He sings a lot, I mean ALOT.
- Achamp, the 'biscuit' guy. Really love things that involves theater. Often absent from school due to his theater schedule. And he also good at drawing.
- Azrul, his mother is our BM teacher. Our geng because he didn't even touches the homework that his mother gave. He's my brother friend. A small world isn't it?
- Fakhrul. KEBAB KEBAB KEBAB. Easily falls in love with pretty girls. Makes majority of the girls hates him. I heard the her mother sell the world best nasi lemak. Fakhrul, when you nak bawa?? Aku nak makan ni...
- Asyraf is good at English. Like to argue with me that involve politics, books and grammar. The librarian. A father in our class cause he babbles a lot.
- Daniel like politics and history alot. Once argue about Greek mythology with Fakhrul for hours, none stop. Have a futuristic kind of mind.
- Wafiy is my friend. Likes to hit me with his elastic ruler. Can teach me well on Engineering drawing. The one word that girls describe him; Annoying!!
- Haqim. He's unpredictable. I don't know how to describe him. He's not loud or whatsoever, he just, Haqim. The Singaporian.
- Aiman Rafique. An animator. He currently try to draw us classmate. When a teacher teaches, you will probably see him drawing.
- Afif started to get kinda quite after Haziq Ariffin left for his new school in KL. He always ask me for my gum. Entah dia buat apa dengan gam aku...
- Armin, my bro! Because our names rhymes. The longer I look at him, he looks kinda similar to my real brother. Tall, skinny and weird! Same just like brother about 80%
- Shukri, Armin's bff. He likes to daydream alot. Termenung jauh gitu~~ He tend to brings his action figures to school and his Lawak Campus comics.
- Faizzul like to talk about games. The teacher's target other than Hadi. The other guys like to tease him so much. Kinda pity of him.
Having only 8 girls and 22 boys kinda hard to handle.
Fortunately, this class isn't serious.
Unfortunately, this class isn't serious either.
we're in 50/50 condition whether the teachers either hate us or like us.
Either way, we don't give a single damn.
This year, we just wanna make memories plus try to study hard even the world kinda messed up right now.
Now, my heart is satisfied and I have to do some chores.