Last Day of School (Raya edition)
July 25, 2014
Only 18 of us came today.
And honestly, I thought it will get boring.
But it didn't.
It was fun and stupid at some point.
18 of us means only three of us girls came;
Alyaa, me and Atikah.
Oh my god, Atikah, the camera's here not there...
Shazreen and Armin's secret selfie when the teacher was in the front cause they can;
Camwhore forever this three;
I don't know the motive of their picture.
I cannot describe it.
Selfie sambil belajar gitu~
Range gila Aiman!
(dat hair and sunglasses though)
Gambar ni macam gambar lama 80an sebab entahlah,
Tapi memang style pose diorang macam gaya 80an
*me awkwardly standing there*
dat face that Achamp made...
Excuse my fugly face, I forgot I was on camera...
Macam cover buku komik je lol
*Insert that sassy looking emoji*
Budak bukan Lambda sesat di sini;
Azhan & Muazzim.
Geng cina celop aku, Azhan~
Nilah muka budak lambat masuk kelas...
Junior kelas sebelah;
The thing I will miss most;
My table, of course.
The thing is when I see all these people in my school and the internet (especially instagram) that WE teenagers want to grow up so fast.
I know have that feels like. You don't have go to school, you have your own money, nobody conquers you.
But the thing is now, embrace every little things in your teenage years. The things we have will never come again.
Heck, I'm a 17 year old girl. Senior at my school. I literally hate waking up in the morning.
And I still think I am a warrior princess.
Yours sincerely,