His Spring Symphony - Romance is hard

June 13, 2019

I got this story idea at 3AM when I lived in an apartment near my uni.
it was March 2016. And I never looked back.

I don't read that much 'romance' books, I just personally prefer adventure and fantasy genre.
I just find romance books are overwhelming corny and with so much sex inuendos that I just like; "Plot... Characters that grow without anyone saving them... I'm BEGGING..."

However, lately, I encountered a lot of romance books that didn't make me want to dig a hole and bury myself out of secondhand embarrassment. (I found this as a sign as that I'm now officially an adult reader). Still, however so, if you put romance book besides an adventure one, I choose the later without a second thought.

So, why the hell I decided to write His Spring Symphony and spent three years of my life finishing it?

I have this thing when I started something, I want to finish it.

Also, I really love my OCs and I want them to be happy.

And this year, I finally finished His Spring Symphony. After three years.

Writing a romance-centric book?
It was hard as fuck.

I had no timeline nor plot points when I started this. I only knew the premise and the ending since the beginning. The scenes I found important came gradually and sometimes from dreaming them.

I didn't know how to write romance when I first started this. But I know character growth, I know pain and disappointment, I know love.

I care about this story that I couldn't stop writing every single point I wanted. I wanted Haru and Hunter get the best from my writing as much as I could.

I don't know if I'm a good writer or not. But, His Spring Symphony, I know in my heart, is my best work (so far).

And I have to say goodbye and continue to write.
Because that's what writers do.

We continue to write.

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