Adventures in Cirque De Wolf

December 08, 2014

Big Bad Wolf is like heaven for book nerds and film geeks.
Which I am both of them.

I went yesterday with my sister and my expectations for Big Bad Wolf this year were low.
Because for the past two years I went there (2012 & 2013), I bought at least 3 books that I still don't read and not planing to read because I accidentally bought a book from SERIES or just I read the book and it was not my forte. 

This year, I went with a strategy and a very low expectations.
I know many of the books I want will not be there.
Believe me, if you don't have an eagle-eye, you will not find the books you want.

The books I aimed to get in Big Bad Wolf were;
1. Sherlock collection
2. Vampire Diaries (Just book one will do)
3. A Stephen King book (Mostly I aimed for The Shining)
4. A Murakami book
5. That special edition FIXI book
6. And a Neil Gaiman book.

I also planned to buy a World Map for my room and it was so expensive I only brought enough money for books but that's okay.

And I was wrong. Majority of books I want were there. 

I was so conflicted.
 I found so many good books that I eyeing for a long time in book stores.
I was so sad that realizing the fact I'm very stingy even for my own enjoyment.
So I had to cut some of the books that I want and only bought books that I'm in the mood to read. 

And there were this couple, they were muggles.

Bf: Ni lah buku Harry Potter! (Held The Secret of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel by Micheal Scott)
Gf: No lah, This is not a Harry Potter book.
Bf: Yes it is, Look, Nicholas Flamel. (Bajet tahu je)
Gf: *Smiled cluelessly* OMG is it (Started to squeal)

We were meters away from them and I was like in my head, "BRUH, that is not a Harry Potter book."
My sister's face already turned sour and she swore she wanted to kick the boyfriend's troth if I wasn't there and stop her. 

I seriously felt bad for his girlfriend.
That's why if you don't know about Harry Potter, don't be so bajet and go say muggles things that Potterhead can hear in meters away...

I brought this babies home;

1. Sherlock Holmes (CHECK!)
2. Stephen King book (CHECK!)
3. Vampire Diaries (CHECK!)

I was satisfied. 

I wanted Department 19 for so long and I found it. I've been eyeing Freak Like Us for a long time in books stores.

But I couldn't find THE MAZE RUNNER trilogy for my friend. She couldn't come cause PLKN. I feel so bad that I couldn't find that trilogy for her...

Seriously, if you go to Big Bad Wolf and found THE MAZE RUNNER, please buy it for me and I will pay you later (if you my friend lah)


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