Respect WOMEN, LADY, giRLS!

March 18, 2016

Yeah, I've been away for the past two months and not updating but really, Uni basically killed my soul. I'm tired and stressed but I'm okay. I didn't have anything to write back then. But now, I HAVE.

So, Malaysia. 
My country. Multi-racial, develop country, yet...
racist... and... misogynist.

Don't get me wrong, I love my country, I love the people in here. But, growing up as a biracial, a girl, I think I have a LOT of things to point out. But today, I''m going to talk about like my topic at the top; 'RESPECT GIRLS'

Meaning of Misogynist: A person who hates or doesn't trust women. Misogynist is from Greek misogynḗs, from the prefix miso- "hatred" plus gynḗ "a woman.

Fun facts: Misogynist doesn't only mean that men hates women. Women also can be misogynist.

As a woman myself, to know that a woman hates a woman just to get an improvement from guys are just plain bigoted idiots.

Girls help girls?


You know, in social medias when people slut shaming women or the Malaysian type of shaming is;
When a woman is a successful woman, they try to shame her with their past or just because they don't wear tudung?


Remember when Stacy, a mualaf, got hate because she doesn't wear tudung?
She just converted!!
Even my grandmother didn't wear tudung when she first converted.
 Goddamit people -___-

Yes, Islam told women to cover themselves as a form of modesty. Yet, what's connection that she doesn't wear tudung and her being successful?

No right?

As you can see my youngins, society fucked up so bad.
#Fact You know that women in 18th century Britain, women been kicked out in their house by their family or husbands just BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE INVOLVED IN POLITICS? JUST BECAUSE THEY WANT TO VOTE?

and stop this bullshit;

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A'ah memang aku suka highway pun.
Orang pakai tudung pun ade je lelaki pandang dengan nafsu.
Your argument is inVALID.

If that true... Please tell why there is still women whose being assaulted/rape even when they're fully clothed?
If that true... explain to me why the rape on women still high in universities, and women being forced to marry the man who rape her?
EXPLAIN to me why women in the world still treated like shit when they are educated, successful and aware of issues?
Explain to me why women look down on in their jobs and treated like slaves even when they capable or even good at their job?
Explain why women been taught to avoid walking alone especially at night and been taught to avoid from being rape instead of teaching men to NOT RAPE?!


No. You should be respected no matter what you're wearing, either fully clothed or naked. You should can walk down in streets and feel safe. We shouldn't been blamed to be born as a women.

No. Clothes doesn't define the worth of a person. If someone respect you when you're fully clothed and doesn't respect other girls who like to wear short skirts, just think again... are they value you as a human or an object?

Also, don't even tell me that; "Women shouldn't work, just take care of kids and your husband. It's a part of the religion."

No, bitch.

Even in the Al-Quran, Allah stated that Heaven in under a mom's feet. Khadijah was a successful businesswoman in her time and Prophet Muhammad never downgraded her. Aishah was a scholar and helped Prophet Muhammad in wars and joined him. Balqis was a queen. Zulaikha was a strong lady.

Don't even say that women are weak. Just because we have lusts more than the opposite gender, doesn't mean we are weak. It meant we are strong. Because, we managed to control our lusts.


Why society need to connect everything women to men. What the fuck?!
For example;

"Eh, dah kurus lah. Dah ade boyfriend ke?"
Why a girl lost/gain weight means that she have a boyfriend? Maybe she loves food... or maybe she was a lesbian?! (jeng jeng jeng) I'm joking ok.

"Asal nak pakai cantik2 ni? Siapa nak tengok? Nak pergi jumpa boyfriend ke?"
 Bitch, I wear makeup and looking good for myself.

"Oh dah ___ tahun. Bila nak kahwin ni?"
No aunties, I have my dreams. It not the 50's for me to marry early.

"Bila nak bertudung ni? Takde orang nak jadikan isteri nanti."
Baguslah, I can differentiate guys that respect women in general than guys who treat women as an objects. And... bila masa aku cakap aku nak kahwin?!

"Apa guna belajar tinggi2? Nanti kahwin suami jugk yang tangung."
Zaman sekarang ramai suami tak guna so I make sure to prepare by HAVING MY OWN INCOME.

"Perempaun kena pandai masak, tak guna perempuan tak erti masak."
Ummm.... men and women should learn to cook cause nobody will feed you if you're hungry.... :)

"Perempuan tak manislah mencarut."

And many more...

Since when we need men to survive?
We've been brainwashed for millennials that we are useless and the suddenly when we are cautions, you attacking us? 

Da fuck la.

I think we women understand that since we were little that being a women is considered an object. 
We should change the way our society thinks.

Why a man who is a boss and have the bravery to talk back is called cool, while a woman is called a bitch for saying the same thing?
We should stop people from slut shaming women that are aware of the injustice.
I've been called a bitch just because I say the right thing. If being woke is a bitch, then
I'm a bitch.

Did you know that the first University ever built was by a girl named Fatima Al-Fihri?
Did you know a woman who discovered DNA structure named Rosalind Franklin?
A woman named MALALA YOUSAFZAI (Legit queen and she's the same age as me I do nothing *sighs*) use her opportunity and her media attention to fight for education for young girls? And built schools in her country?!

Did you know that;
Every anonymous in history are women?

So, basically you should be proud to be born a woman no matter how many people try to bring you down just because you have a vagina.

We should proud that Allah put us in higher rank than men (Yeah, this is a fact.)

Love yourself. You skin colour. Your body size. Don't let a man label you. Trust your faith in God, trust your values because you know yourself.
Don't let anyone downgraded you. DON'T EVER LET THEM.

Respect your own gender.
God, just respect girls.
RESPECT housewives, career women, sex workers, little girls. Respect them.
Prophet Muhammad look at us and he's crying because we treat each other like crap.

Respect girls who are virgins. Respect girls who suck dicks. Respect girls who hate dicks. Respect girls who have dicks. Just. Respect. Girls.

Is not that hard, right?

- Amni (just a girl)


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